The Effectiveness of a Motivational Interviewing Program on Knowledge, Medication Adherence, and the Prevention of disease transmission among Persons with Tuberculosis


  • Ratchanee Sritawan SuKhothai Hospital
  • Nualpan Chiopanya SuKhothai Hospital


Counseling, A Motivational Interviewing Program, Medication Adherence, Prevention the Transmission, Pulmonary Tuberculosis


The objective of this quasi experimental was to examine the effectiveness of a motivational interviewing program on knowledge, medication adherence to, and the prevention of disease transmission among persons with tuberculosis. Participants were 60 people with tuberculosis who visited the tuberculosis clinic, Sukhothai Hospital. All participants were randomly assigned to the intervention group and the control group, 30 participants in each group. The intervention group received the motivational interviewing program about 6 weeks, whereas the control group received the regular treatment routine. The research tool was the motivational interviewing program. The data collection instruments were the medication adherence assessment tool, the knowledge assessment tool, and the tool for assessing the transmission prevention among persons with tuberculosis. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequencies and percentages). The paired t-test and the independent t-test were used to compare the pretest and posttest average scores of outcomes between the experimental group and the control group.

The results revealed that after receiving a motivational interviewing program, the mean scores of knowledge, medication adherence, and the prevention of disease transmission in the intervention group had a significantly higher than before enrolling the program (p-value <0.001). When compared to the control group, the mean scores of knowledge, medication adherence, and preventing the transmission in the intervention group were also significant higher than higher than persons in the control group that receiving the regular treatment routine (p-value =0.001, 0.05, and 0.001, respectively). This research indicated that a motivational interviewing program can increase knowledge, medication adherence, and preventing the transmission among those who have tuberculosis. Nurses or other health care providers can apply or develop this program to others infectious disease persons in order to changing health behaviors and preventing the transmission of the diseases. 


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How to Cite

Sritawan, R., & Chiopanya, N. . (2021). The Effectiveness of a Motivational Interviewing Program on Knowledge, Medication Adherence, and the Prevention of disease transmission among Persons with Tuberculosis. Journal of Nursing and Public Health Research, 1(3), 17–30. Retrieved from