Effect of Using Nakornping Early Warning Score (NEWS) to Surveillance for Variations Change and Warning Signs for Patients in Male Surgical Department 1 Nakornping Hospital, Chiang Mai Province


  • Sasivimol Banchongchad Nakornping Hospital
  • Juntima Ongprakrit Nakornping Hospital
  • Preyarat Jaleanlap Nakornping Hospital


Assessment Guideline, Early Warning Signs, Intubation, Mortality


The objectives of this quasi-experimental study were to: 1) examine the effectiveness of using the assessment of the Nakornping Early Warning Score (NEWS) for assessing and monitoring symptom change in patients in Male Surgical Department 1 on intubation and mortality rates; and 2) assess nurses’ opinions and satisfaction related to implementing NEWS. Participants in this study included two groups. The first group was patients, with a purposive sampling technique used to assign these participants into two groups (the control group and the intervention group). Participants in the control group were patients who were admitted to the male surgical department between March 1 and March 31, 2021 (n = 143). where participants in the intervention group were patients who were admitted to male surgical department one and received the implementation of NEWS from June 1–30, 2021 (n = 129). The second group (n = 19) consisted of registered nurses who worked in male surgical department one and used the NEWS. The research instruments included: 1) the NEWS assessment form that was developed by a medical team at Nakornping Hospital; 2) the satisfaction assessment form; and 3) the feasibility assessment form for using the system. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for a satisfaction questionnaire and a feasibility questionnaire was 0.91. The data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, the chi-square test, and the Fisher exact test.

The results showed that before applying the NEWS, the patient had an intubation rate of 1.39%. Whereas after applying the NEWS, the patient had a non-statistically significant 6.97% increase in intubation rate (p-value = 0.14). Before using NEWS, the patient's mortality rate was 4.19 percent. After using NEWS, the patient's mortality rate was 3.10%, not statistically significant (p-value = 0.07). Nurses' opinions on the use of the NEWS assessment form were at a high level in all aspects, namely the convenience of using the NEWS (Mean = 2.63, S.D. = 0.49), the clarity of the NEWS (Mean = 2.84, S.D. = 0.37), the ability to apply the NEWS (Mean = 2.78, S.D. = 0.41), and the benefit to patients and agencies (Mean = 2.84, S.D. = 0.37). The satisfaction in applying NEWS was at a high level (Mean = 2.84, S.D. = 0.37). This study suggests that nurses in other health care settings can use the NEWS to assess and monitor symptom change in critically ill patients in other units. 


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How to Cite

Banchongchad, S., Ongprakrit, J. ., & Jaleanlap, P. (2022). Effect of Using Nakornping Early Warning Score (NEWS) to Surveillance for Variations Change and Warning Signs for Patients in Male Surgical Department 1 Nakornping Hospital, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Nursing and Public Health Research, 2(1), 47–59. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jnphr/article/view/256489