The Effects of a Teaching Program on Knowledge Among Pediatric Caregivers and the Recurrence Rate of Pneumonia in a Pediatric Clinic, Narathiwat Ratchanakarin Hospital


  • Wipathinee Norjan Narathiwat Ratchanakarin Hospital
  • Wantanee Pumiapiradee Narathiwat Ratchanakarin Hospital
  • Kittiporn Nawsuwan Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Songkhla, Faculty of Nursing Praboromarajchanok Institute, Ministry of Public Health


Teaching Program, Recurrent Disease, Pneumonia, Pediatric Caregiver


The objectives of this quasi-experimental study were to examine the effects of an educational program on knowledge among pediatric caregivers and the recurrence rate of pneumonia. Participants were 20 child caregivers and 20 children who were diagnosed with pneumonia in a pediatric clinic at Narathiwat Ratchanakarin Hospital. The research instruments were: 1) an educational program on knowledge among pediatric caregivers and the recurrence rate of pneumonia that was proposed by the concept of Orem (2001); 2) a questionnaire to evaluate the knowledge about pneumonia with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.67 - 1.00; and 3) a self-management skill questionnaire which obtained the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of confidence of 0.99. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The Wilcoxon Sign Rank test was used to compare average scores of knowledge before and after applying an educational program.

The results revealed that after attending an educational program, the mean score of knowledge level among pediatric caregivers was significantly higher than before attending the program. The recurrence rate of pneumonia after applying the program was at 5%. Thus, hospitals and other health agencies can apply or develop this program for their patients in order to reduce the recurrence of pneumonia in pediatric patients.


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How to Cite

Norjan, W. ., Pumiapiradee, W. ., & Nawsuwan, K. (2022). The Effects of a Teaching Program on Knowledge Among Pediatric Caregivers and the Recurrence Rate of Pneumonia in a Pediatric Clinic, Narathiwat Ratchanakarin Hospital. Journal of Nursing and Public Health Research, 2(2), 1–11. Retrieved from