Effects of an Empowerment Program on Caregivers of Older Adults Undergoing Hip Fracture Surgery, Phare Hospital


  • Thanawun Sanpunya Phrae Hospital
  • Hutsayaporn Intayos Long Hospital
  • Siriyaporn Jarkthong Phrae Hospital


An Empowerment Program, Hip Surgery, Caregivers, Older Adults


The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to examine the effects of an empowerment program on caregivers of older adults undergoing hip fracture surgery. Participants were 64 pairs of caregivers and their older adult patients who had undergone hip fracture surgery in Phare hospital. Of these participants, 32 pairs of caregivers and their older adult patients were assigned to an experimental group that received the program. The other 32 pairs of caregivers and their older adult patients were assigned to a control group that received the usual care. Research instruments was an empowerment program on caregivers of older adults undergoing hip fracture surgery. The data collection tools were a caregiver knowledge assessment and a postoperative recovery assessment. Program implementation and data collection were conducted from November 2021 to August 2022. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The comparison of outcomes between an intervention group and a control group were analyzed by T-Test Independent.

The findings revealed that after completing the program, the knowledge of caregivers in the experimental group at two weeks after discharge had a statistically significantly higher than caregivers in the control group (p-value< 0.001) The older patients in the intervention group reported postoperative pain scores, were able to walk for the first time after surgery, performed daily activities on the discharge day that were significantly different from older adults in the control group (p-value< 0.05). The results of this study suggest that this empowerment program on caregivers of older adults undergoing hip fracture surgery is appropriate. Therefore, this empowerment program could be used by nurses and other healthcare providers to rehabilitate older adults who have undergone hip fracture surgery.


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How to Cite

Sanpunya, T., Intayos, H. ., & Jarkthong, S. . (2022). Effects of an Empowerment Program on Caregivers of Older Adults Undergoing Hip Fracture Surgery, Phare Hospital. Journal of Nursing and Public Health Research, 3(1), 33–48. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jnphr/article/view/259951