Development of an Adverse Event Surveillance Model Following Basic Immunizations, Pattani Province
Development of an Operation Model, Surveillance of Adverse Events, Basic Immunizations, Village Health VolunteersAbstract
The objective of this research and development was to develop an adverse event surveillance model following basic immunizations in Pattani Province. The research process included three phases. The first phase was to study the situation, problems, needs, and management of the reporting of adverse events after vaccination using a qualitative research method. The key informants were 212 public health officials. The second phase was developing the model. The third phase was to examine the effectiveness of the model using a quasi-experimental research method. The participants were 27 public health officials and 135 village health volunteers. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Comparing the knowledge level of village health volunteers before and after using the model employed Wilcoxon-signed rank test statistics.
The results showed that the model for monitoring adverse events after immunization is the P_TANI model, consisting of 1) the participation of village health volunteers; 2) the production of self-study knowledge media in two languages and a form for observing unusual symptoms; 3) online self-study for village health volunteers; 4) close observation as neighbors; and 5) reporting data within 24 hours. The results of the evaluation between before and after using the model found that village health volunteers had no difference in knowledge scores. Policy recommendations should allow service centers to increase their hours for providing vaccination services. Additionally, public health officials should control and supervise the work of village health volunteers in home visits and continuously report preschool children's symptoms after receiving the vaccine.
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1. บทความหรือข้อคิดเห็นใด ๆ ที่ปรากฏในวารสารวิจัยการพยาบาลและการสาธารณสุข ที่เป็นวรรณกรรมของผู้เขียน บรรณาธิการไม่จำเป็นต้องเห็นด้วย
2. บทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์ถือเป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของ วารสารวิจัยการพยาบาลและการสาธารณสุข