Factors contributing to the development of care for cardiovascular patients and risky groups in hospitals qualified for Provincial Healthcare Network Certification (PNC) : a qualitative research


  • เพ็ญจันทร์ แสนประสาน Nursing instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Shinawatra University
  • ดวงกมล วัตราดุลย์ Assistant Professor, Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing
  • นัชชา สุนทรสวัสดิ์ Expert Nurse, Hatyai Hospital, Songkla Thailand
  • นวลใย พิศชาติ Nursing instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Shinawatra University


community healthcare network, patients with cardiovascular disease and risky group, factors for promoting care development


                The aim of this qualitative study was to explore factors promoting of cardiovascular networks which qualified with Provincial Healthcare Network Certification (PNC) standard in Pattani hospital. 50 participants of multidisciplinary team working in a hospital approved for provincial cardiac network were selected including six physicians, 29 nurses, five pharmacists, five nutritionists and five physiotherapists. In addition, 22 participants of public sectors including nine health volunteers, eight patients with heart disease and five family caregivers. Qualitative data collection was conducted using focus group discussion and in-depth interviewed. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis.

               Results showed that participants of multidisciplinary team and public sectors perceived factors promoting for development of care for cardiovascular patients for PNC standard in five categories: 1) clear–cut strategic plan and effectively monitoring of networks, 2) allocation of supporting recourses and networks in community hospitals, 3) promoting participation and empower public sectors 4) development of knowledge management of healthcare team and strengthening networks 5) nurse manager system for collaborating quality and continuing care.

              This study can be applied as a guideline of developing a standard of care which get PNC standard for patients with cardiovascular disease from health care settings to all level of networks of care to enhance quality and continuing care.



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How to Cite

แสนประสาน เ, วัตราดุลย์ ด, สุนทรสวัสดิ์ น, พิศชาติ น. Factors contributing to the development of care for cardiovascular patients and risky groups in hospitals qualified for Provincial Healthcare Network Certification (PNC) : a qualitative research. Thai J Cardio-Thorac Nurs. [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];29(2):141-56. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journalthaicvtnurse/article/view/175844



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