The effect of supportive and education nursing program on self care and quality of life in ischemic heart disease patients


  • วรพรรณ มหาศรานนท์ Student of Master degree of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Naresuan University
  • ฐิติอาภา ตั้งค้าวานิช Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing Naresuan University
  • รุ้งนภา ชัยรัตน์ Doctor of philosophy, Faculty of Nursing Naresuan University


supportive and education nursing program, self-care, quality of life. ischemic heart disease patients


            This research is the quasi experimental, one group pretest-posttest design. The purpose was to study the effect of supportive and education nursing program on self-care and quality of life in ischemic heart disease patients. Thirty ischemic heart disease pateints who admitted at Sukhothai Hospital were selected by purposive sampling. The subjects received a supportive and education nursing program based on Orem’s theory which composed of teaching, guiding, supporting and creating the enviroment. The instruments consisted of general information questionnaire, Self-care questionnaire and quality of life questionnaire in thai patients with ischemic heart disease. Data were analyzed mean score, standard deviation and paired t-test.

            The results showed that after receiving supportive and education nursing program, the subjects had mean score of self-care at a good level (Mean= 4.29, SD  = .24) and mean score of quality of life at a good level (Mean= 4.30, SD =.12). After the subjects had receiving  supportive and education nursing program, the subject had significantly higher mean score of self care and quality of life than before receiving the supportive and educative nursing program (p < .001)

            This research suggested that the supportive and education nursing programe could be use as a guideline to promote self – care and enhanced quality of life in ischemic heart disease patients continuously.



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How to Cite

มหาศรานนท์ ว, ตั้งค้าวานิช ฐ, ชัยรัตน์ ร. The effect of supportive and education nursing program on self care and quality of life in ischemic heart disease patients. Thai J Cardio-Thorac Nurs. [internet]. 2019 Jul. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];30(1):102-16. available from:



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