Factors influencing psychological well-being in patients with heart failure


  • Praweena Boonrungsi Master of Nursing Science (Adult and Gerontological Nursing), Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University
  • Doungrut Wattanakitkrilert Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University
  • Noppron Vongsirimas Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University
  • Atkanok Dumavibhat Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University


heart failure, psychological well -being, patient-health provider communication, sleep quality, fear of progression


          The objective of this predictive correlational research was to explore the influence of performance status, health care provider-patient communications, sleep quality and fear of progression in jointly predicting psychological well-being in patients with heart failure. The sample for the study was 143 patients who had been diagnosed with chronic heart failure.  The severity of the disease ranged from functional class 1 to functional class 3 and categorized based on the criteria of the New York Heart Association. The sample had no cognitive impairment screened with General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG) test. Data were collected using demographic data and illness data form, the Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWBS), the Karnofsky Performance Status Scale (KPS), the Patient-Health Care Provider Communication Questionnaire, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Fear of Progression Questionnaire-Short Form (FoP-Q-SF). Data were analysed using multiple regression analysis.

           The results revealed that the sample had a mean age of 58.99 years (SD = 16.95), 52.4 % of the sample were males and had a moderate level of psychological well-being (Mean = 84.41, SD = 10.86). Performance status, patient-health care provider communication, sleep quality and fear of progression were able to jointly explain variances in psychological well-being in patients with heart failure at 14.9 % (R2 adj=.149, F= 7.210, p ˂ .001). Fear of progression was the variable influencing psychological well-being in heart failure patients at a significant level (β = -.413, p ˂ .001).

            Suggestion: Fear of progression affects the psychological well-being of heart failure patients.  Nurses and medical staff, therefore, should provide information regarding self-care for delaying progression of the disease and promote psychological well-being, even when living with the chronic disease.


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How to Cite

Boonrungsi P, Wattanakitkrilert D, Vongsirimas N, Dumavibhat A. Factors influencing psychological well-being in patients with heart failure. Thai J Cardio-Thorac Nurs. [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];32(1):243-57. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journalthaicvtnurse/article/view/243212



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