The relationship between body mass index and cardiovascular disease risks in hypertensive patients
cardiovascular risks, hypertension, body mass index (BMI)Abstract
The descriptive study aimed to determine the prevalence of cardiovascular risk and the relationship between cardiovascular risk factors and body mass index among hypertensive patients. The secondary data of 492 patients who were as sample in the research project entitled “Factors predicting risk of cardiovascular disease in hypertensive patients” in the year 2018. The Framingham Global Risk Score was used to assess the cardiovascular risks. Descriptive statistic, logistic regression, to determine odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were used to analyze the data.
The results found that prevalence rate of high cardiovascular risk in overweight or obese group was 38.5% and 48.5% in normal weight group. The hypertensive patients with high body mass index were twice risk of cardiovascular disease (95% CI 1.19-3.39, p=0.008). The cardiovascular risk factors: age, HDL, and diabetes were significant associated with body mass index level, respectively.
Recommended from the finding, the risk factors of cardiovascular disease with hypertensive patients should be screened, especially in those with overweight or obese body mass index, and encourage health promotion to prevent cardiovascular disease.
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