Factors associated with postoperative recovery of brain tumor patients 2-4 weeks after discharge from the hospital
postoperative recovery, related factors, brain tumor patientsAbstract
This descriptive correlational research aimed to study pain, comorbid conditions, nursing satisfaction, coordination of care, readiness of caregivers, and postoperative recovery of brain tumor patients and examined factors related to postoperative recovery of brain tumor patients. 88 brain tumor patients undergoing surgery admitted at a tertiary-level hospital and their caregivers, were purposively selected based on the inclusion criteria. The data collection tools included the Personal Information Questionnaire, the Pain Assessment, the Comorbidity Assessment, the Nursing Satisfaction Assessment Form, the Care Coordination Assessment, the Caregiver’s Readiness Assessment, and the Postoperative Recovery Assessment. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation and Spearman Rank Correlation were used to analyze the data.
The results showed that postoperative recovery of brain tumor patients 2-4 weeks after discharge from the hospital was at a high level with a mean score of 69.85 (SD = 4.32). Pain score and co-morbidity were negatively related to the postoperative recovery of brain tumor patients with a statistically significance (r = -0.237, rs = -0.266; p < 0.05, respectively). Nursing satisfaction, the readiness of caregivers, and co-ordination of care was positively related to the postoperative recovery of brain tumor patients with statistically significance (r = 0.338, r =0.385, rs = 0.230; p < 0.05, respectively).
This study suggests that nurses and health care teams should focus on reducing pain and controlling co-morbid conditions while enhancing the readiness of caregivers, nursing satisfaction, and coordination of care.
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