The effect of self-efficacy promotion program in applying Qigong with phase 1 cardiac rehabilitation on anxiety among acute coronary syndrome patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention
self-efficacy, Qigong, cardiac rehabilitation, myocardial infarction, state anxietyAbstract
This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effects of a self-efficacy promotion program for cardiac rehabilitation phase 1 with applied Qigong Effects on anxiety among acute coronary syndrome patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. The sample consisted of patients diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction, 60 people were divided into a control group of 30 people and an experimental group of 30 people. The control group received normal care. The experimental group received a self-efficacy promotion program in applying Qigong together with cardiac rehabilitation phase 1. The research tool of data collection and intervention consisted of 1) a personal questionnaire 2) a self-efficacy scale in heart patients. 3) STAI Form Y-1, and 4) Self-Efficacy Promotion Program in applying Qigong with Phase I Cardiac Rehabilitation. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test.
The study found that after two weeks of participating in the program, the mean scores of state anxiety in experimental group (mean=22.43, SD=4.43) were lower than the control group (mean=57.83, SD=9.42) (t=20.60, p<.001)
Suggestions for applying research, this program should be applied to acute coronary syndrome patients for the rehabilitation period. As a result, Qigong is a practice for the whole body and mindfulness, resulting in a peaceful mind and concentration leads to reduce anxiety and diminish the effects after myocardial ischemia.
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