Influence of Angle’s classification and condylotrack distance on sagittal condylar inclination in a group of Thais

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Porntida Visuttiwattanakorn
Pitichamai Pirompug
Kallaya Suputtamongkol


Objectives: The objectives of this study were to investigate the sagittal condylar inclination (SCI) in a Thai ethnic group and to evaluate the influence of Angle’s classifications, sides and condylotrack distance on the SCI.

Materials and Methods:  Seventy Thai participants, ages ranging between 20-42 years old, were allocated into 2 groups according to Angle’s classification, i.e., Class I (35 persons) and Class II (35 persons). The mandibular movements from a minimum to the maximum opening and excursion of the mouth were recorded using the computerized axiograph. Three SCI values at 1, 2 and 3 mm of protrusive condylar path from the hinge axis (condylotrack distance) were obtained from the graphic record of the mandibular movement. The statistical analysis of SCI according to the Angle’s classification was performed using the independent samples t-test at α= .05. The difference between right and left sides were analyzed using a dependent samples t-test. The statistical analysis for the condylotrack distance was performed by a repeated measured ANOVA at α= .05.

Results: The mean SCI of 70 Thai people was 44.7±8.8 degrees independent of any factors. There was no statistically significant difference between the SCI values obtained from Angle’s classification I and II. Furthermore, no statistically significant differences were observed for the left and right sides. For a condylotrack distance parameter, the mean SCI at 1 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm were 45.7±10.6, 44.8±8.6 and 43.7±7.9 degrees respectively. The SCI at 3 mm condylotrack distance were significantly lower than those of 1 mm and 2 mm condylotrack distance.

Conclusions: SCI values were statistically different related to the condylotrack distance. There was no significant difference in SCI between Angle’s classification I and II group and between left and right side.

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How to Cite
Visuttiwattanakorn P, Pirompug P, Suputtamongkol K. Influence of Angle’s classification and condylotrack distance on sagittal condylar inclination in a group of Thais. M Dent J [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 22 [cited 2025 Jan. 14];38(3):239-48. Available from:
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