Scanning electron microscope characterization of attrition in human dental enamel

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Ratthapong Worawongvasu
Kanokkwan Pipitsombat
Panuwat Tunprasart
Muneedej Suwattipong
Sukhum Pravalpreukskul


Objective: The purpose of this research is to study the three-dimension occiusal surface of enamel attrition by a scanning electron microscope.

Materials and Methods: This study is an observational study.  Ten specimens of extracted mandibular permanent molar teeth were selectede by non-probabillty sampling and were prepared and wxamined by a scanning electron microscope.  The electron micrographs of the attrition areas of the specimens were collected and described in comparion with those of the normal areas.

Results: Thje attrited area was flat and smooth.  In some area, the enamel rod end was ovallshaped and flat, producing a fist scale-like appearance.  In other areas, the enamel rod end was indistinct or no the enamel rod end was observed.  In addition, there were scratch lines that appeared as straight grooves,  varying in width, number, and depth, and crossed or paralledl  to each other.

Conclusions: The enamel of attrited teeth is flat and smooth.  The enamel rod end and the perikymata, which are the enamel surface structures, wear away due to the attrition, in association with scratch lines.

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How to Cite
Worawongvasu R, Pipitsombat K, Tunprasart P, Suwattipong M, Pravalpreukskul S. Scanning electron microscope characterization of attrition in human dental enamel. M Dent J [Internet]. 2018 Mar. 20 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];38(1):65-9. Available from:
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