Closing Spaces With Partial Ceramic Veneers: A Clinical Report

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Charlermpol Leevailoj
Krit Leelarthapin


This clinical report describes optionally conservative concepts in closing spaces in anterior teeth, consisting of non-preparation partial ceramic veneers and composite resins. A 32-year-old Thai female with the chief complaint of having spaces between her anterior teeth. The intra-oral examination found spaces between 12 and 13, 22 and 23, 42 and 43. Moreover the patient presented unpleasant previous diastema closure with composite resin in terms of a shifted and canted dental midline. The repeated proportion was used to calculate the width of each upper anterior tooth for planning. This clinical report included partial ceramic veneers in the treatment plan as an option to close spaces which would be considered as non-invasive technique. In this clinical report, partial ceramic veneers achieved not only good esthetic results but also showed the strength and predictable longevity of restorations on bonded enamel.

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How to Cite
Leevailoj C, Leelarthapin K. Closing Spaces With Partial Ceramic Veneers: A Clinical Report. M Dent J [internet]. 2018 May 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];38(2):91-100. available from:
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