Measurement of Anterior Loop of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

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Patcharee Phraisukwisarn
Pattapon Asvanund
Kornkamol Kretapirom


Objective: The objective of this study was to use CBCT to observe the prevalence of the anterior loop of the inferior alveolar nerve, and to measure its horizontal and vertical distance from the mental foramen.

Materials and Methods: 250 CBCT were reviewed retrospectively due to implant planning in lower premolar-molar area. For each scan, the length of anterior loop in both vertical and horizontal distance from mental foramen was measured and compared data between groups base on gender and age.

Results: The prevalence of anterior loop of inferior alveolar nerve was 64.4%. The mean of vertical and horizontal length was 3.88±1.52 and 2.16±1.2, respectively. No significant difference in all groups except the horizontal length was significant difference between genders.

Conclusions: More than half of the samples presented the anterior loop. There was variation of anterior loop in horizontal and vertical length from mental foramen. That should be considered before implant placement, due to the possibility of damaging the anterior loop of inferior alveolar nerve.

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How to Cite
Phraisukwisarn P, Asvanund P, Kretapirom K. Measurement of Anterior Loop of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). M Dent J [internet]. 2016 Dec. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];37(1):81-7. available from:
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