Guided implant placement and provisional restorations in the aesthetic zone: A case report

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Nawakamon Suriyan
Surakit Visuttiwattanakorn
Chatchai Kunavisarut
Natthamet Wongsirichat


Purpose:  The accuracy of implants placed with the aid of a surgical template is limited. The objective of this study was to validate the position between virtually planned implants using a computer and then comparing the clinically placed implants with the computer aided surgical template in the maxilla.


Material and Methods: The implants’ positions were calculated and compared between the planned implants and the implants' clinical position after surgery. The results show the most differences in distance at the level of the hex, the apex, and the depth. The angular differences were presented in degrees.

Results: The greatest errors were found at the vertical depth and showed divergence at the level of the hex and apex of the implants.

Conclusion: there were significant differences between the virtually planned implants' position and the final position of implants placed clinically. For the treatment planning, placement, and restoration of dental implants for a partially edentulous patient it is recommended that clinicians, who are providing dental implant procedures, become knowledgeable in 3D diagnosis and treatment planning concepts and should also be familiar with interactive treatment planning software applications. Anatomical limitations can make implant locations difficult to determine. This article describes how to facilitate a computer-guided surgical technique, for a partially edentulous patient, with a fabricated restoration prior to implant placement in order to create more accuracy.

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How to Cite
Suriyan N, Visuttiwattanakorn S, Kunavisarut C, Wongsirichat N. Guided implant placement and provisional restorations in the aesthetic zone: A case report. M Dent J [internet]. 2017 Mar. 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];37(1):103-11. available from:
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