Relationship between smile line, gingival biotype, tooth shape, and gingival zenith of maxillary anterior teeth in a group of Thai young adults

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Papatpong Sirikururat
Supranee Benjapupatthananan


Objective: To evaluate the relationship between smile line, gingival biotype, tooth shape, smile line and gingival zenith in a group of Thai young adults.
Materials and methods: One hundred and three Thai young adults; 43males and 60 females, aged between 18to 39 years old participated in the study. Two photographs were taken from each volunteer, including maximum smile and lip retracted for data collecting of gingival zenith and tooth shape with 2-mm diameter reference dot. The classification of gingival biotype was performed by  insertion of periodontal probe at labial aspect of gingival sulcus. Chi-square test was used to evaluate the relationship between smile line, gingival biotype, tooth shape, and gingival zenith with statistical significance of p<0.05.
Results: There was no statistical evidence that smile line were related to tooth shape, gingival biotype and gingival zenith. However, the relationship between tooth shape and gingival biotype showed statistically significant (p<0.05). Ovoid tooth shape had the tendency to relate with thick gingival biotype, whereas triangular tooth shape appeared to show the relation to thin gingival biotype. Moreover, the statistical result showed that square tooth shape did not relate with any types of gingival biotype.
Conclusion:Thick gingival biotype was likely to be observed in ovoid tooth shape, while triangular tooth shape was quite common with thin gingival biotype.

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How to Cite
Sirikururat P, Benjapupatthananan S. Relationship between smile line, gingival biotype, tooth shape, and gingival zenith of maxillary anterior teeth in a group of Thai young adults. M Dent J [internet]. 2019 Aug. 5 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];39(2):107-14. available from:
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