The Effects of surface coating agents on surface microhardness of bis-acryl provisional materials

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Spun Lenglerdphol
Tool Sriamporn
Rattawich Hoonsuwan
Rann Manlerd
Passorn Boontherawara
Theerapon Nuntakarat
Thanatpong Rujirawan


Objective: To compare surface microhardness of bis-acryl provisional materials after applied various types of surface coating agents by using Vickers hardness tester.
Materials and Methods: Forty bis-acryl specimens which were finished and polished were randomly divided into 8 groups, with n=5. 1) ProtempTM4 without surface coating, 2) ProtempTM4 coated with Palaseal®, 3) ProtempTM4 coated with EQUIA Forte® coat, 4) ProtempTM4 coated with OptibondTM FL, 5) LuxaTemp® without surface coating, 6) LuxaTemp® coated with Palaseal®, 7) LuxaTemp® coated with EQUIA Forte® coat, 8) LuxaTemp® coated with OptibondTM FL. The specimens from each group were tested for surface hardness by Vickers surface hardness tester. Load used was 50 gf. for 15 seconds. The indentations made were evaluated and measured with stereomicroscope at 50x. The measurements were converted into HV (Vickers hardness number) and analyzed with two-way ANOVA.
Results: The mean surface hardness values of LuxaTemp® group were statistically higher than ProtempTM4 group. The mean surface hardness values of LuxaTemp® group were statistically decreased after application of Palaseal® and OptibondTM FL. There were no statistically significant difference between the surface hardness values of LuxaTemp® coated with EQUIA Forte® coat and LuxaTemp® control group. However, it was statistically different from the surface hardness of the other groups.
Conclusion: From the limitation of this study, the three coating agents applied on ProtempTM4 have no effects on its surface microhardness. On the other hand, surface microhardness of coated LuxaTemp® group showed statistically significant decrease, except for EQUIA Forte® coating group which remains unchanged.

Keywords: Surface coating agent, Bis-acryl provisional materials, Microhardness

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How to Cite
Lenglerdphol S, Sriamporn T, Hoonsuwan R, Manlerd R, Boontherawara P, Nuntakarat T, Rujirawan T. The Effects of surface coating agents on surface microhardness of bis-acryl provisional materials. M Dent J [internet]. 2019 Aug. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 16];39(3):165-72. available from:
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