Esthetic treatment of anterior spacing in a patient with microdontia using No-prep veneers: A clinical report

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Pajaree Limothai
Chalermpol Leevailoj


Objectives: This case report describes the treatment of a patient with maxillary anterior spacing, resulting from microdontia, using a multidisciplinary approach to improve her esthetic appearance.

Materials and Methods: A 23-year-old Thai female patient had multiple spaces between her maxillary anterior teeth with a high smile line and an unsymmetrical gingival level. The Recurring Esthetic Dental (RED) proportion was used to determine each tooth’s width and Bolton’s analysis was used to confirm the RED results, and a diagnostic wax-up model was fabricated. Esthetic crown lengthening was performed at the right maxillary canine to the left maxillary canine to reduce excess gingival exposure and increase the length of the teeth according to the proportion acquired from the calculation. After complete gingival healing, no-prep ceramic veneers were placed on the maxillary anterior teeth using the IPS Empress® Esthetic ceramic system.

Results: The no-prep veneers preserved all tooth structure and gave a satisfactory esthetic result. The patient was satisfied with the outcome. The final restorations closed the spaces with the natural appearance the patient desired. The function and occlusion of the restorations were good. The veneers and the periodontal tissues were in good condition at the 1-year recall.

 Conclusion: The multidisciplinary approach and no-prep ceramic veneers used in this case restored the maxillary anterior spacing and provided an excellent esthetic outcome. However, successful treatment in the anterior esthetic zone requires a thorough diagnosis and meticulous step-by-step treatment planning.

Keywords: ceramic veneer, maxillary anterior spacing, microdontia, no-prep veneer

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How to Cite
Limothai P, Leevailoj C. Esthetic treatment of anterior spacing in a patient with microdontia using No-prep veneers: A clinical report. M Dent J [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];39(2):115-2. Available from:
Original articles


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