Radiopacity of biodentine, Bio-MA, and calcium silicate-based cement added with different radiopacifiers

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Piyawat Vibulcharoenkitja
Danuchit Banomyong
Supachai Sutimuntanakul


Objective: To investigate the radiopacity of two commercial calcium silicate cements (CSC)—Biodentine and Bio-MA—and experimental CSC containing one radiopacifier—zirconium oxide (Zr), barium sulfate (Ba), tantalum oxide (Ta) or bismuth oxide (Bi) according to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 6876:2012.

Materials and Methods: Biodentine and Bio-MA were mixed according to the manufacturers’ instructions. CSC powder was added 20% by weight of radiopacifier in a blending machine. The powder was mixed with distilled water with a ratio of 0.5 g per 0.18 ml. The disc-shaped material, 6 mm in diameter and 1 mm thick, was formed in a mold. CSC without radiopacifier was used as a control. The disc was placed alongside 0.5-mm increment aluminium (Al) step wedge and irradiated with x-ray 60kV, 8mA, 0.016 msec on a digital receptor. Radiopacity of materials were compared with the aluminium step wedge using ImageJ program and transformed into mm of Al.

Results: Bio-MA radiopacity was 6.59±0.39 mmAl and was significantly higher than other investigated materials (p<.01). The radiopacity in mmAl of CSCs with the addition of radiopacifiers were CSC/Ba 2.52±0.14, CSC/Zr 2.90±0.05, CSC/Ta 3.39±0.10, CSC/Bi 5.42±018, and the control group was 0.99±0.06. They were all significantly different from each other (p<.01). Biodentine radiopaicty was 2.34±0.20 mmAl which was significantly lower than other groups (p<.05) except CSC/Ba (p>.05).

Conclusion: Radiopacity of Bio-MA, CSC/Bi, and CSC/Ta were greater than 3 mmAl and were clinically acceptable as recommended by ISO 6876:2012.

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How to Cite
Vibulcharoenkitja P, Banomyong D, Sutimuntanakul S. Radiopacity of biodentine, Bio-MA, and calcium silicate-based cement added with different radiopacifiers. M Dent J [internet]. 2019 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 16];39(3):199-205. available from:
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