Bacterial leakage in root canals filled with calcium silicate sealer-based technique and post spaces prepared

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Chonlada Khumprasit
Kallaya Yanpiset
Ratchapin Srisatjaluk
Danuchit Banomyong


Objective: To compare bacterial leakage in root canals filled with sealer-based technique in three immediate or delayed post space preparation methods.

Materials and Methods: Seventy-five palatal root canals were prepared and filled with calcium silicate or bioceramic (BC) impregnated gutta-percha cone and BC sealer using the sealer-based technique. The specimens were divided into three groups according to post space preparation methods: (1) I-HE: immediate preparation by heat, (2) I-SC: immediate preparation by sectional cone obturation, and (3) D-DR: delayed preparation by drilling. The specimens with post spaces and 4-mm root filling material remaining in the apex were tested for bacterial leakage of Enterococcus faecalis using two-chamber model for 45 days. The chi-square test and log‐rank test were employed to analyze and compare the difference among the three groups

Results: Within 45 days, bacterial leakage occurred in 40-44% of the root canals, and the occurrence rates among the three post space preparations were not significantly different (P>0.05).

Conclusion: Three post space preparation techniques, immediate with heat, sectional-cone filling, or delayed drilling, did not show significant difference in bacterial leakage in the root canals filled with calcium silicate sealer-based technique.

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How to Cite
Khumprasit C, Yanpiset K, Srisatjaluk R, Banomyong D. Bacterial leakage in root canals filled with calcium silicate sealer-based technique and post spaces prepared. M Dent J [internet]. 2020 Apr. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];40(1):1-7. available from:
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