Ergonomic risk assessment from working postures in fourth year undergraduate dental students at Mahidol University

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Pirasut Rodanant
Thaneeka Promprakai


Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess ergonomic risk from working posture and observe the association
between posture awareness and ergonomic risk in the fourth year undergraduate dental students at Mahidol
Materials and Methods: Photographs of students during performing scaling and root planning procedure were
taken. The photographs were analyzed using UTHSCSA Image Tool program. Modified Rapid upper Limb
Assessment method was used to assess ergonomic risk levels. Posture awareness and reasons of their pose
were recorded into questionnaires. Prevalence of ergonomic risk was calculated. The association between
posture awareness and ergonomic risk was statistically analyzed using chi-square test (p=0.05).
Results: All 56 dental students tend to develop musculoskeletal disorder. The data showed that 64.3% and
35.7% of students demonstrated moderate to high ergonomic risk respectively. 45% of students assumed posture
awareness during their performance. There was no statistically significant association between posture awareness
and ergonomic risk. (p=0.611)
Conclusions: The ergonomic risk of developing musculoskeletal disorder from working posture in undergraduate
dental students at Mahidol university was moderate to high. Nevertheless, there was no association between
posture awareness and ergonomic risk.

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How to Cite
Rodanant P, Promprakai T. Ergonomic risk assessment from working postures in fourth year undergraduate dental students at Mahidol University. M Dent J [internet]. 2019 Jul. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];39(2):63-70. available from:
Original articles


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