The effect of curing methods for dental adhesive on microleakage and marginal adaptation of porcelain laminate veneer

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Tamonwan Poorisawatpong
Trinuch Eiampongpaiboon
Chotiros Kuphasuk


Objective: To compare microleakage and marginal adaptation between precured and non-precured methods of two luting cements on IPS e.max® Press laminate veneer.

Materials and Methods: Thirty-six maxillary central incisors were prepared and IPS e.max® Press HT laminate veneers were fabricated by pressable ceramic system. All laminate veneer specimens were randomly divided into two groups for cementation according to two different luting cements: Rely-x® (Rx) and Vitique® (V).  In both resin cement groups, half of laminate veneers was cemented by using precure (PC) of dental adhesive and another half was cemented by using non-precure (NPC) of dental adhesive.  Therefore, four experimental groups were created: Rx-PC, Rx-NPC, V-PC and V-NPC (N=9 in each group). After cementation, all specimens were subjected to thermocycling (500 cycles in water) before immersion in 2% methylene blue for 24 h. All bonded teeth specimens were sectioned into three halves in labio-palatal direction. The microleakage and marginal adaptation were measured at the incisal and cervical margins. The data were statistically analyzed using T-test and Mann-Whitney test at a significance level of 0.05.

Results: There is no statistically significant difference of marginal gap and microleakage between precure and non-precure groups at cervical and incisal margins regardless of both resin cements (P>0.05).

Conclusions: Precure and non-precure methods on total etch dental adhesive system did not affect marginal adaptation and microleakage of IPS e.max® Press laminate veneer.

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How to Cite
Poorisawatpong T, Eiampongpaiboon T, Kuphasuk C. The effect of curing methods for dental adhesive on microleakage and marginal adaptation of porcelain laminate veneer. M Dent J [internet]. 2019 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 16];39(3):213-22. available from:
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