A study of dentinal microcracks in root canal wall after root canal preparation by hand file and three different engine-driven file systems

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Tasanee Tengrungsun
Pachinee Kosakul
Onrudee Suratanasurang
Theeralaksna Suddhasthir


Objective: To compare the incidence of dentinal microcrack in root canal wall after root canal preparation by
hand file, ProTaper® Universal and two reciprocating file systems (WaveOne® and Reciproc®).

Materials and Methods: Sixty human lower premolars that were extracted for orthodontics treatment were
taken and randomly divided into 4 groups (n=15). The root canals were instrumented by using hand file, ProTaper® Universal, WaveOne® and Reciproc®. Roots were then sectioned horizontally at 3, 6 and 9 mm. from root apex and dentinal microcrack were observed under stereomicroscope by two blinded observers. The presence of dentinal microcrack was noted and analyzed by using the Pearson Chi square test.

Results: No dentinal microcracks were found in root canal wall after preparation with hand file. Root canal
preparation with ProTaper® Universal, WaveOne® and Reciproc® created dentinal microcracks (33.33%, 13.33% and 6.67% respectively) and the highest was found in ProTaper® Universal (33.33%). There were no statistically significant difference between the groups (p=.063)

Conclusions: From the study, all engine-driven file systems used in this study created dentinal microcracks in
root canal wall. ProTaper® Universal showed highest dentinal microcracks in root canal wall.

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How to Cite
Tengrungsun T, Kosakul P, Suratanasurang O, Suddhasthir T. A study of dentinal microcracks in root canal wall after root canal preparation by hand file and three different engine-driven file systems. M Dent J [internet]. 2020 Aug. 26 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];40(2):77-86. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mdentjournal/article/view/234557
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