Analysis of treatment failure in multiple avulsed mature anterior teeth with pulp necrosis and root resorption in a 15-Year-Old Thai male patient: a Case Report

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Yossapol Chaenwithaya


A 15-year-old Thai male got an injury at his upper anterior teeth: right upper central incisor, lateral incisor
and canine from a physical fight. These teeth were complete displacement from the sockets (avulsions).
The patient was, then, sent to MaeMoh Hospital, Lampang for emergency treatment. Unfortunately, the avulsed teeth were inappropriately kept in a dry condition for approximately 30 minutes after the brawl. The teeth were cleaned by 0.9 % normal saline solution, repositioned, splinted by a semi-rigid splint for two weeks and treated by root canal therapy with calcium hydroxide medication for 1 year 3 months. The patient was lost follow up for a while. At two years and three months follow-up visit, treatment outcomes were assessed as satisfying. There was no clinical sign and symptom during the clinical examination. At two years and nine months follow-up visit, however, the radiographic examination initially showed the presence of inflammatory root resorption on right upper central incisor, and the clinical examination revealed the presence of mobility on it. The cause of this inflammatory root resorption was root canal infection due to failure of eliminating bacteria from the root canal, especially in resorbing root canal during the time that the patient was lost follow up. Finally the right upper central incisor was extracted, complete all the treatment for 3 years 6 months.

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How to Cite
Chaenwithaya Y. Analysis of treatment failure in multiple avulsed mature anterior teeth with pulp necrosis and root resorption in a 15-Year-Old Thai male patient: a Case Report. M Dent J [internet]. 2020 Nov. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];40(3):231-42. available from:
Case report


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