The effect of monolithic zirconia crown dimension on the accuracy of fit

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Arpapich Boonnithi
Chuchai Anunmana


Objective: To investigate the influence of monolithic zirconia crown dimension on the accuracy of marginal and internal fit

Materials and Methods: Four titanium models with various dimensional preparations were constructed. The general designed characteristics were circumferential deep chamfer finish line, round internal line angle, 12°of total occlusal convergence and 10 mm diameter at the margin.For group 1 and 2, the abutment was designed in order to get 1-mm and 2-mm uniform crown thickness, respectively. For group 3, the abutment was designed to get 1-mm thickness at axial wall and 2-mm thickness at occlusal wall, and, conversely,for group 4, the abutment was designed to get 2-mm thickness at axial wall and 1-mm thickness at occlusal wall. Forty identical external contour crowns were fabricated with Ceramill system (n= 10). Replica technique was used to examine marginal gap, absolute marginal discrepancy and additional 3 locations of internal gap: mid-axial wall, axio-occlusal angle and mid-occlusal area. The data were analyzed using One-way ANOVA and Turkey’s test at a significance level of 0.05.

Results: There were significant differences of gaps at most locations, except axial area (p<.05). The mean ± SD of marginal gaps were 27.9±5.4µm, 32.8±6.8µm, 32.6±7µmand 22.3±4.2 µmfor group 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. The mean ± SD of absolute marginal discrepancies were 131.5±11.7µm, 111±15.6µm, 114.5±15.8µmand 125.9±9.7 µmfor group 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively.  The highest internal gap was found at occlusal area in all groups.

Conclusion: The thickness of translucent zirconia crown influenced the marginal and internal fit. The marginal gap in all groups was obviously, clinically acceptable. The 1-mm uniform crown showed the largest absolute marginal discrepancy. When the thickness of crown at occlusal wall was thinner than its axial wall, the occlusal gap seemed to be greater. Therefore, appropriate crown thickness should be fabricated to avoid unpredictable stress that affected crown fitness.

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How to Cite
Boonnithi A, Anunmana C. The effect of monolithic zirconia crown dimension on the accuracy of fit. M Dent J [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 26 [cited 2024 Sep. 13];40(2):137-46. Available from:
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