Root canal morphology of premolars in a Thai population

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Nantiya Apiwattanasevee
Onrudee Suratanasurang


Objective: To investigate tooth length and root canal morphology of 348 premolars collected from an indigineous Thai population.

Material and method: The 348 maxillary and mandibular first and second premolars were classified and cleaned by ultrasonic scaler then the tooth length were measured. The cleaned teeth were opened access into pulp chamber, the pulp tissue were removed and dissolved by 5.25% sodium hypochorite. An Indian ink was injected into root canal system to outline the root canal morphology. The teeth were rendered transparent by decalcification with nitric acid, dehydration with alcohol and immersing in methyl salicylate. Then, the presence and location of lateral canal, intercanal communications and apical delta were observed and the root canal configuration were classified by using Vertucci’s classification.

Result: The average tooth length of maxillary and mandibular premolars were 19-21 millimeter. The locations of lateral canals were found frequently at middle third and the locations of intercanal communication were found mostly at middle third in both maxillary and mandibular premolars. The apical deltas were found in maxillary premolars (1.4-1.6%). Among 73 maxillary first premolars, 54.8% had type IV and 28.8% had type V root canal system. Among 186 maxillary second premolar had type I (30%), type IV (19.4%), and type V (15.1%). The majority of mandibular first and second premolar had type I (56% and 76%, respectively).

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How to Cite
Apiwattanasevee N, Suratanasurang O. Root canal morphology of premolars in a Thai population. M Dent J [internet]. 2020 Nov. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];40(3):243-56. available from:
Original articles


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