Correction of mandibular prognathism using a surgery-first approach or early surgery: Two case reports

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Parinya Choovait
Varisara Puranitee
Passiri Nisalak


Patients with severe malocclusion and dentofacial deformities often require combined orthodontic and surgical correction. The current trend in treatment protocol is changing from consisting of a traditional pre-surgical orthodontics phase for completely correcting dental position before surgery to a modified approach in performing the surgical correction before orthodontic treatment itself. Proper diagnosis and treatment planning are essential to tailor the ideal treatment sequence to each individual patient. In this case series, two patients with mandibular prognathism who received treatment by the surgery-first approach (SFA) and early surgery are presented. From the total treatment time for each patient being 17 months and 18 months 2 weeks respectively, it can be seen that this modified treatment sequence was able to significantly reduce treatment time compared to if a conventional approach had been taken. In addition, the patients benefited from immediate improvement of the facial profile after the early surgical procedure, and the short-term results were stable.

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How to Cite
Choovait P, Puranitee V, Nisalak P. Correction of mandibular prognathism using a surgery-first approach or early surgery: Two case reports. M Dent J [internet]. 2021 Aug. 18 [cited 2025 Jan. 24];41(2):97-112. available from:
Case report


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