Marginal and internal gaps of crown and bridge substructure of two all-ceramic systems

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Bundhit Jirajariyavej
Daungjan Siangsiaw
Chuchai Anunmana


Objective: The objectives of this study were to compare the marginal and internal gaps of two ceramic systems
as well as the marginal and internal gaps between single crowns and three-unit fixed dental prostheses (FDPs)
Materials and Methods: Ceramic substructures were fabricated using CAD/CAM (Lava™ Zirconia) and heatpress technique (IPS e.max® Press) as premolar and molar single crowns and three-unit FDPs (4 groups, n=10).
Marginal and internal gap widths were determined and measured using silicone replica technique. Results were
analyzed using Mann Whitney U-test (α= 0.05), and data were described as median and interquartile range.
Results: For IPS e.max® Press, there was no significant difference of marginal adaptation between the crown
and bridge groups, except at the mesial marginal gap of premolar (Crown; 39 μm, Bridge; 106 μm). For Lava™
Zirconia, differences were found at several locations of the premolar and one point of the molar. Significant
differences of marginal gap between IPS e.max® Press and Lava™ Zirconia crown substructures were found
only in premolar. There were also significant differences of marginal fit of FDPs between two systems in both
abutments. Significant differences of internal fit were mostly found in the axial wall and the cusp tip areas.
Conclusions: Most marginal and internal gaps of IPS emax® Press were greater than those of Lava™ Zirconia
except at the occlusal locations. In addition, three-unit FDPs revealed larger gap widths than those of single
crowns in both ceramic groups.

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How to Cite
Jirajariyavej B, Siangsiaw D, Anunmana C. Marginal and internal gaps of crown and bridge substructure of two all-ceramic systems. M Dent J [internet]. 2020 Oct. 21 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];37(2):135-44. available from:
Original articles


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