The comparative study of the effectiveness of decalcifying agents on human jaws

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Dusit Bumalee
Ounruean Meesakul


Objective: To compare the effectiveness of five different decalcifying agents on human jaws.

Material and methods: Human jaws were collected from 6 patients. Each case was cut into 5 pieces and immersed in 5 different decalcifying agents including 5% nitric acid, 5% nitric acid +formaldehyde, 10% formic acid, neutral EDTA, and anna morse. At the end of the decalcification, samples were subjected to routine histopathological process. Decalcification time, the ease of sectioning, the staining, and structures of hard and soft tissues were evaluated and scored.

Results: In terms of decalcification time and the ease of sectioning, the evaluation scores of 5% nitric acid and 5% nitric acid + formaldehyde were higher than other agents (p< .05). 10% formic acid and anna morse gave better staining and hard tissue structure than 5% nitric acid and 5% nitric acid + formaldehyde (p< .05). All 5 agents did not show differences in the staining and structure of the soft tissue associated with the hard tissue.

Conclusion: A good decalcifying agent must have quality that is suitable for the type of work. In cases requiring urgency, 5% nitric acid and 5% nitric acid + formaldehyde may be selected. For   the quality of the tissue, 10% formic acid and anna morse may be the ideal choice.

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How to Cite
Bumalee D, Meesakul O. The comparative study of the effectiveness of decalcifying agents on human jaws. M Dent J [internet]. 2020 Oct. 21 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];37(3):327-38. available from:
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