Palatal remaining coronal cervical tooth structure increases the survival rate from unrestorable fractures in endodontically treated maxillary anterior teeth restored with resin composite restorations: A retrospective cohort study

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Pimnara Phengudom
Danuchit Banomyong
Titalee Jirathanyanatt
Yaowaluk Ngoenwiwatkul
Warattama Suksaphar


Objectives: This aim of this retrospective cohort study was to investigate the effect of the remaining coronal cervical tooth structure (CCTS) on survival rates compared with unrestorable fracture of endodontically treated maxillary anterior teeth (ETT) restored with direct resin composite (DRC).

Materials and Methods: Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the dental records and radiographs of ETT restored with DRC were collected from the dental charts of patients who received endodontic treatment and attended recall(s) during 2007–2019. The different remaining CCTSs were defined as: (1) complete CCTS, (2) partial CCTS with a palatal side, (3) partial CCTS without a palatal side, and (4) no CCTS. The frequency of unrestorable fractures was determined. The survival rates compared with unrestorable ETT fracture with different remaining CCTSs were calculated and statistically analyzed using the Cox proportional-hazard model.

Results: The study comprised 126 maxillary anterior ETT restored with DRC. The average recall period was 36 months, the survival rate of ETT with complete CCTS and partial CCTS with a palatal side was 94.5% and 95.8%, respectively. The survival rates of the partial CCTS without a palatal side (78.6%) and no CCTS (44.4%) were significantly lower compared with the ETT (p<.05).

Conclusion: The frequency of unrestorable fracture in maxillary anterior ETT restored with DRC in complete or partial CCTS with a palatal side was significantly lower compared with partial CCTS without a palatal side.

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How to Cite
Phengudom P, Banomyong D, Jirathanyanatt T, Ngoenwiwatkul Y, Suksaphar W. Palatal remaining coronal cervical tooth structure increases the survival rate from unrestorable fractures in endodontically treated maxillary anterior teeth restored with resin composite restorations: A retrospective cohort study. M Dent J [internet]. 2021 Aug. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];41(2):132-8. available from:
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