Fracture resistance of lithium disilicate ceramic cemented on dentin with different curing strategies

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Nanthiphorn Pongam
Kallaya Suputtamongkol
Pong Pongprueksa


Objectives: To determine the effect of lithium disilicate ceramic thickness and curing mode of resin cement on the compressive fracture resistance of ceramic restored on dentin.

Methods: The ceramic disk-shaped specimens with a diameter of 7-mm with different thickness of 0.8-mm and 1.5-mm were produced equally from CAD/CAM lithium disilicate ceramic block (e.max CAD). The specimen disk was cemented on flattened dentin using universal adhesive (Single Bond Universal; SBU) with resin cement (RelyX Ultimate; ULT) in two different curing modes (n=8); 1) light-curing of adhesive and resin cement (LL) and 2) co-curing of adhesive through light-curing of resin cement (AL). The compressive fracture load was indented perpendicular to the restorative surface using a universal testing machine until the restoration was fractured. The fracture loading (N) was statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s Post-Hoc test (α=0.05).

Results: The ceramic thickness and curing mode of resin cement were statistically significant at p<0.05. The thicker restorative material could withstand higher fracture resistance. The cementation with adhesive and resin cement in light-curing mode SBU/ULT(LL) performed better fracture resistance than co-curing mode SBU/ULT(AL) at the same thickness.

Conclusion: The adequate thickness of lithium disilicate ceramic improved fracture resistance. The separately light-curing on adhesive and cement has been recommended for adhesive cementation to increase the fracture resistance of restoration.

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How to Cite
Pongam N, Suputtamongkol K, Pongprueksa P. Fracture resistance of lithium disilicate ceramic cemented on dentin with different curing strategies. M Dent J [internet]. 2021 Jun. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];41(Suppl):S13-S18. available from:
Oral Presentation(MDRD2024)


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