Video games, audiovisual, and conventional distractions for pediatric dental patients: A crossover randomized controlled clinical trial

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Ploypailin Kumprasert
Woranun Prapansilp
Praphasri Rirattanapong


Objectives: To compare the effectiveness of Audiovisual (AV), Video games (VG), and Conventional (Co) distractions in pediatric dental patients.

Materials and Methods: Sixty healthy children, 6–9-years-old, with carious molars in three quadrants were treated with a local anesthetic, rubber dam, and caries removal over three visits. On the first visit, Co distraction was used, and the patients were then randomly divided into two groups, where Group A received VG, followed by AV, on their second and third visits, respectively, and Group B received the distractions in the reverse order. The Wong-baker FACES pain rating scale and a modified FLACC behavioral scale were used, and heart rate was measured.

Results: The patient’s behaviors were less disruptive when using VG than AV (p = 0.006) during the local anesthetic injection, during which VG alleviated pain (p = 0.036), promoted cooperative behavior (p = 0.007), and reduced heart rates (p = 0.0004).

Conclusion: VG was the most effective distraction to reduce disruptive behavior during local anesthetic injection.

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How to Cite
Kumprasert P, Prapansilp W, Rirattanapong P. Video games, audiovisual, and conventional distractions for pediatric dental patients: A crossover randomized controlled clinical trial. M Dent J [internet]. 2021 Nov. 16 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];41(3):225-34. available from:
Original articles


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