Benefits of pit and fissure sealants on fluoride release, buffering capacity, and biofilm formation

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Arthit Klaophimai
Anisha Komalsingsakul
Ratchapin Laovanitch Srisatjaluk
Pisol Senawongse


Objective: Antibacterial property of pit and fissure sealant enhance the positive effect for caries prevention.
The aims of this study were to investigate the fluoride release, buffering capacity, and biofilm formation of sealants.

Materials and Methods: Specimens from BeautiSealant (giomer-based sealant), ClinproTM (fluoride releasing resin-based sealant), Fuji VII (glass-ionomer-based sealant), and Concise (nonfluoride releasing resin-based sealant) were prepared. Studies of the specimen were conducted to examine fluoride released, buffering capacity and formation of S. mutans biofilm, which involved examining the biovolume and live/dead cell ratios.

Results: Fuji VII released the highest amount of fluoride (11.71 ppm), followed by BeautiSealant (6.20 ppm),
Clinpro (1.27 ppm), and Concise (0.02 ppm). The smallest change in pH was found in BeautiSealant (-1.35),
followed by Fuji (-1.85), Clinpro (-2.11), and Concise (-2.67). There was a higher biovolume of biofilms on Concise (0.0177 mm3mm-2) than the other materials. Thus, the live/dead cell ratio on the BeautiSealant biofilms (0.5554) was less than on the other materials.

Conclusions: BeautiSealant demonstrated benefit in reducing the biovolume of biofilm and the live/dead cell
ratio with a high buffering capacity.

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How to Cite
Klaophimai A, Komalsingsakul A, Srisatjaluk RL, Senawongse P. Benefits of pit and fissure sealants on fluoride release, buffering capacity, and biofilm formation. M Dent J [internet]. 2021 Aug. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];41(2):179-86. available from:
Original articles


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