The effect of locally delivered Andrographis paniculata gel as an adjunct therapy for periodontitis in well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
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Objective: To compare clinical results for the group using a locally delivered Andrographis paniculata gel as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (SRP) with those obtained for the group receiving only SRP for periodontal treatment in well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.
Materials and Methods: Thirty-two type 2 diabetes patients with periodontitis were included in this split-mouth single-blinded randomized clinical trial. At the start of the study, these patients had a hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) less than 7%, at least two single-rooted teeth of the same type located on different quadrants of the same dental arch, an initial probing depth (PD) ≥ 5 mm. with bleeding on probing (BOP), radiographic alveolar bone loss, and a periodontal pocket depth that did not differ by > 1 mm. The teeth were randomly assigned to the experimental (SRP and AP gel) and control (SRP only) groups. PD, clinical attachment level (CAL), gingival index (GI), plaque index (PI), and BOP were recorded at the baseline and at the 3-month follow-up.
Results: After treatment, both groups exhibited improved periodontal parameters. In the experimental group, PD, CAL, GI, and BOP significantly improved in comparison with the control group at the 3-month follow-up (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: Application of locally delivered AP gel as an adjunct enhanced SRP clinical outcomes for periodontal therapy in well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.
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