Masticatory performance and quality of life before and after the extraction of periodontally hopeless teeth

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Pitchaporn Dangsee
Nawarat Wara-aswapati
Waranuch Pitiphat
Jarin Paphangkorakit


Objective: While there have been studies on the effect of periodontal disease on masticatory function, none of them appears to investigate the impact of periodontally hopeless teeth, specifically diagnosed using strict criteria, on masticatory function. This prospective study aimed to compare masticatory performance and quality of life before and after extraction of periodontally hopeless teeth.

Materials and Methods: The study included 11 dental patients. Periodontal status, pain level (Visual Analogue Scale), maximum bite force, masticatory performance based on a* (color in the green-red axis) and ΔE (mean difference between two colors in the CIELAB color space) of a color-changeable chewing gum, and Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) scores were recorded before and 2 weeks after the extraction of periodontally hopeless teeth. Wilcoxon signed-rank and paired t-tests were used to compare the parameters before and after extraction (p<0.05).

Results: Significant reductions in pain VAS (p=0.005) during chewing (34.2±25.4 vs. 4.9±13.8 mm) and OHIP-14 (16.9±10.0 vs. 9.9±8.8) after the extraction (p=0.03) were found. Additionally, there was a notable improvement in masticatory performance on the side with periodontally hopeless teeth (a*: 14.2±9.5 vs 19.4±4.0 and ΔE: 36.3±12.3 vs 42.6±6.1).

Conclusion: Extraction of periodontally hopeless teeth was associated with a reduction in pain, a positive impact on masticatory performance, and an overall improvement in the quality of life for the patients. The present study was limited by the small sample size; however, the findings could still be beneficial in advising patients of the advantages of extracting periodontally hopeless teeth.

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How to Cite
Dangsee P, Wara-aswapati N, Pitiphat W, Paphangkorakit J. Masticatory performance and quality of life before and after the extraction of periodontally hopeless teeth. M Dent J [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 24 [cited 2025 Jan. 4];43(suppl):S105-S112. Available from:
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