Correlation between vertical facial configuration and skeletal relapse at different time points after single-jaw BSSO mandibular setback in skeletal class III patients

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Napatsorn Imerb
Warit Powcharoen
Chonatee Chinkrua
Nutchada Sriyaranya
Janya Apisariyakul
Chayarop Supanchart


Objective: To evaluate the correlation between MPA and skeletal stability after mandibular setback surgery in skeletal class III patients at the short-term and long-term post-operative time points.

Materials and Methods: Fifty-eight skeletal class III with mandibular prognathism patients who underwent the single-jaw mandibular setback surgery using bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy approach were divided into two subgroups based on their vertical skeletal configuration. The subjects were twenty-five patients with normal mandibular plane angle (21.22° ± 4.86°) and thirty-three patients with the high MPA (> 28.06°). To analyze the influence of two facial patterns on post-operative stability, the digital lateral cephalograms were computerized and analyzed on three cephalometric anatomical landmarks including B-point, SNB-angle, and mandibular plane (MP). The correlation between the amount of MPA and the percentage of skeletal relapse was analyzed with the Pearson Correlation Coefficient.

Results: The mean MPA in the hyperdivergent group (30.02° ± 1.65°) was significantly higher than in the normodivergent group (23.65° ± 1.16°). The correlation analysis found that there was a positive correlation between MPA and the percentage of skeletal relapse on the B-point in vertical axis and Mandibular plane (MP) at short-term follow-up. This positive correlation was also further shown on B-point in horizontal axis, SNB-angle, and MP at long-term follow-up.

Conclusions and Relevance: The skeletal relapse after mandibular setback surgery was positively correlated to the mandibular plane angle in skeletal Class III patients. An adjunctive surgical procedure may be needed to achieve the long-term successful outcome after orthognathic surgery in skeletal Class III malocclusion with high MPA.

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How to Cite
Imerb N, Powcharoen W, Chinkrua C, Sriyaranya N, Apisariyakul J, Supanchart C. Correlation between vertical facial configuration and skeletal relapse at different time points after single-jaw BSSO mandibular setback in skeletal class III patients. M Dent J [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 24 [cited 2025 Jan. 8];43(suppl):S139-S148. Available from:
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