The relation between first and second mesiobuccal root canals of permanent maxillary first molars by using CBCT imaging in a Thai Population
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Objective: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and relationship between first and second mesiobuccal (MB1 and MB2) root canals of permanent maxillary first molars within a Thai population using cone-beam computed tomography.
Materials and Methods: Two hundred twenty-six Mesiobuccal (MB) roots were scanned using CBCT (3D Accuitomo CBCT machine, J Morita Corp.). The Three-dimensional images were subsequently analyzed to confirm the presence of a mesiobuccal 2 (MB2) orifice. Once the MB2 canal was identified, the distance between the main canals and the MB2 orifice was measured. Measurements included the relationship between the first mesiobuccal canal (MB1) and the palatal (P) canal. A straight line was drawn from the centers of each Canal (MB2-MB1 and MB1/P). The MB1 and P line was connected to the center of MB2 using a perpendicular line. The distance was calculated and documented. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics; and the relationship between gender, side of the mouth, and age of the patients was investigated in this study, with p<0.05 considered statistically significant.
Results: The prevalence of MB2 in the study samples was 56.6%. The average distance between MB2 and MB1 canal orifice was 2.29 ±0.39 mm. The distance from the MB2 orifice measured perpendicular to an imaginary line between MB1 and P orifice was 1.12 ±0.29 mm. The inter-orifice distance between MB1 and P canal was 6.77 ±0.76 mm. There was no correlation observed between gender, side, and age or distance of the MB2.
Conclusion: MB2 was prevalent in 56.6 percentage of the study samples. Moreover, there were no significant differences in tooth side and age groups, the MB2 was located clinically approximately 2 mm mesiopalatally to MB1 and approximately 1 mm mesially to an imaginary line from MB1 to palatal canal orifices. Notably, the male group frequently exhibited a longer relative distance than the female group.
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