Comparative analysis of mangosteen peel extract and vitamin E treatment on human gingival fibroblasts

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Chayada Teanchai
Sopee Thenchai
Supaporn Tippayakorn
Pornpen Dararat


Objective: This study evaluated the effect of mangosteen peel extract compared with vitamin E supplements on human gingival fibroblast (HGFs) behavior.                                                                       

Materials and Methods: Mangosteen peel was extracted using different ratios of ethanol to distilled water (60:40) and 50:50 (% v/v). Mangosteen peel extracts can be used as food preservatives and have antimicrobial effects. HGFs were treated with mangosteen peel extracts. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was determined using an Oxiselect Total Antioxidation Capacity Assay Kit. We investigated cell migration using xCELLigence real-time cell analysis (RTCA).                                       

Results: Ethanol 60% v/v showed the highest percentage of extraction yield. Mangosteen peel (500 µg/ml) generated a higher cell viability was compared with DMEM (-FBS). Cell viability was compared with the other tested conditions. This result demonstrated that mangosteen peel extract had minimal effects on cell viability and could be potentially considered an anti-aging agent and antioxidant. The TAC from HGFs treated with 500 µg/ml mangosteen peel had the highest uric acid concentrations compared with the other tested conditions. The HGFs were used for investigating cell migration. HGFs migration was mangosteen peel concentration-dependent.                                                                                                  

Conclusion:  These findings demonstrated that mangosteen peel extracts exhibited potent antioxidant activities, similar to vitamin E supplements and mangosteen peel extract exhibited potent antioxidant activities similar to vitamin E supplements. The migration concentration MGE (50 µg/ml) was the same as for vitamin E (positive control).

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How to Cite
Teanchai C, Thenchai S, Tippayakorn S, Dararat P. Comparative analysis of mangosteen peel extract and vitamin E treatment on human gingival fibroblasts . M Dent J [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 2 [cited 2024 Sep. 27];44(2):67-78. Available from:
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