Mahidol Dental Journal Information for Authors
Mahidol Dental Journal welcomes submissions from the field of Dentistry and other medical related fields. We publish 3 issues per year in January - December.
Objectives of the Journal
1. To disseminate knowledge gained from academic research in dentistry and other related medical sciences.
2. To promote valued research for academic advancement.
3. To create an academic network and to build relationships among dentists and other professionals in order to be consistent with the constantly developing knowledge.
Submission of Manuscripts
The manuscript must be submitted Online:
Contact addressed to
The Editor, Mahidol Dental Journal
Simulations Building 4, Fl.7 Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University
6 Yothi Road, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok 10400
E-mail, Tel. 0-2200-7637
Categories of the Articles
1. Review Article: An article with technical knowledge collected from journals or textbooks and is profoundly analyzed and criticized.
2. Case Report: A short report of an update case or case series related to dental field which has been carefully analyzed and criticized with scientific observation.
3. Original Article: A research report which has never been published elsewhere and represent new and significant contributions to the field of Dentistry.
4. Letter to the Editor: A brief question or comment that is useful for readers.
Guide for authors
Manuscript Submission
Mahidol Dental Journal only accepts online submission. The manuscript must be submitted via Registration by corresponding author is required for submission. We accept articles written in both English and Thai. However, for Thai article, English abstract is required whereas for English article, there is no need for Thai abstract submission. The main manuscript should be submitted as word document. The Title page, main texts, all figures, and tables should be submitted as separated files. For figures and diagrams, the acceptable file formats are .tif, .bmp, .jpeg with resolution at least 300 dpi. Any manuscript submission that fails to follow this instruction will be returned to the authors without review.
Manuscript Preparation
1. An article (Thai and English), use font of Cordia New style size 14 in a standard A4 paper with 2.5 cm. margin on all four sides. The manuscript should be type written with 1.5 line spacing.
Thai article must also provide English abstract. All references must be in English. For the article written in Thai, please visit the Royal Institute of Thailand ( for the assigned Thai medical and technical terms. The original English words must be put in the parenthesis mentioned at the first time.
2. Numbers of page must be on the top right corner. The length of article should be 10-12 pages including the maximum of 5 figures, 5 tables and 40 references for original article. (The numbers of references are not limited for reviewer article)
3. Measurement units such as length, height, weight, capacity etc. should be in metric units. Temperature should be in degree Celsius. Pressure units should be in mmHg. The hematologic measurement and clinical chemistry should follow International System Units or SI.
4. Standard abbreviation must be used for abbreviation and symbols. The abbreviation should not be used in the title and abstract. Full words of the abbreviation should be referred at the end of the first abbreviation in the content except the standard measurement units.
5. Position of the teeth may use full proper name such as maxillary right canine or symbols according to FDI two-digit notation and write full name in the parenthesis after the first mention such as tooth 31 (mandibular left central incisor).
6. Every illustration including tables must be referred in the articles. The contents and alphabets in the illustrations and tables must be in English. All figures and table must be clearly illustrations with the legend. Numbers are used in Arabic form and limited as necessary.
7. The article has passed the language examination by a professional publisher.
Preparation of the Research Articles
1. Title Page; The first page of the article should contain the following information
- Category of the manuscript
- Article title
- Authors’ names and affiliated institutions
- Corresponding author details (name, mailing address, telephone, fax number and E-mail,)
- Funding resources
- Conflict of interest
- Ethics Approval
2. Abstract; The abstract must be typed in only one paragraph. Only English abstract is required for English article. Both English and Thai abstracts are required for Thai article and put in separate pages. The abstract should contain title, objectives, methods, results and conclusion continuously without heading on each section. Do not refer any documents, illustrations or tables in the abstract. The teeth must be written by its proper name not by symbol. Do not use English words in Thai abstract but translate or transliterate it into Thai words and do not put the original words in the parenthesis. English abstract must not exceed 300 words. Keywords (3-6 keys) are written at the end of the abstract in alphabetical order with comma (,) in-between.
3. Text; The text of the original articles should be organized in sections as follows:
Objective: indicates reasons or importance of the research, objectives, scope of the study. Introduction should review new documents in order to show the correlation of the contents in the article and original knowledge. It must also clearly indicate the hypothesis.
Materials and Methods: indicate details of materials and methods used in the study for readers to be able to repeat such as chemical product names, types of experimental animals, details of patients including sources, sex, age etc. It must also indicate the names, types, specification or other details of materials for each method. For a research report performed in human subjects, authors should indicate that the study was performed according to the ethical Principles for Medical Research and Experiment involving human subjects such as Declaration of Helsinki 2000 or has been approved by the ethics committee of each institute.
Results: Results are presentation of the discovery of experiments or researches. It should be categorized and related to the objectives of the articles. The results can be presented in various forms such as words, tables, graphs or illustrations etc. Avoid repeating the results both in tables and in paragraph. Emphasize on only important issues.
Discussion: The topics to be discussed can be on objectives of the study, advantages and disadvantages of materials and methods. However, the important points to be especially considered are the experimental results compared directly with the concerned experimental study. It should indicate the new discovery and/or important issues including the conclusion from the study. New suggestion, problems and threats from the experiments should also be informed in the discussion and indicate the ways to make good use of the results.
Conclusion: This part indicates the brief results and the conclusions of the analysis.
Acknowledgement: This part indicates the institutes or persons helping the authors, especially on capital sources of researches and numbers of research funds (if any).
References: This part include every document that the authors referred in the articles using the Vancouver reference style. Names of the journals must be abbreviated according to the journal name lists in “Index Medicus” published annually or from the website (
Examples of references
Standard Journal articles
Geist JR, Brand JW. Sensitometric comparison of speed group E and F dental radiographic films. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2001; 30: 147-52.
* All authors in the reference lists of articles, truncate the list after 6 names, followed by "et al." (italics)
Loubele M, Bogaerts R, Van Dijck E, Pauwels R, Vanheusden S, Suetens P, et al. Comparison between effective radiation dose of CBCT and MSCT scanners for dentomaxillofacial applications. Eur J Radiol 2009; 71: 461-8.
Institutional authors
Council on Dental materials and Devices. New American Dental Association Specification No.27 for direct filling resins. J Am Dent Assoc 1977; 94: 1191-4.
Book and other monographs
Authors being writers
Neville BW, Damn DD, Allen CM, Bouquot JE. Oral and maxillofacial pathology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1995. p. 17-20
Authors being both writer and editor
Norman IJ, Redfern SJ, editors. Mental health care for the elderly people. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996.
Books with authors for each separate chapter and also have editor
Sanders BJ, Henderson HZ, Avery DR. Pit and fissure sealants; In: McDonald RE, Avery DR, editors. Dentistry for the child and adolescent. 7th ed. St Louis: Mosby; 2000. p. 373-83.
Institutional authors
International Organization for Standardization. ISO/TR 11405 Dental Materials-Guidance on testing of adhesion to tooth structure. Geneva: ISO; 1994.

Academic conferences
Conference proceedings
Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.
Conference paper
Hotz PR. Dental plaque control and caries. In: Lang PN, Attstrom R, Loe H, editors. Proceedings of the European Work shop on Mechanical Plaque Control; 1998 May 9-12; Berne, Switzerland. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing; 1998. p. 35-49.
Documents from scientific or technical reports
Fluoride and human health. WHO Monograph; 1970 Series no.59

The thesis
Muandmingsuk A. The adhesion of a composite resin to etched enamel of young and old teeth [dissertation]. Texas: The University of Texas, Dental Branch at Houston; 1974.

Articles in press
Articles are only accepted in electronic format
Online-only Article (With doi (digital identification object number)
Rasperini G, Acunzo R, Limiroli E. Decision making in gingival recession treatment: Scientific evidence and clinical experience. Clin Adv Periodontics 2011; 1:41-52. doi:10.1902 cap.2011.100002.
Online only article (without doi)
Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs 2002;102(6) [cited 2002 Aug 12] Available from: /AJN/2002/june/ Wawatch.htmArticle.
Ahead of printing
McGuire MK, Scheyer ET, Nevins M, Neiva R, Cochran DL, Mellonig JT, et al. Living cellular construct for increasing the width of keratinized gingival. Results from a randomized, within patient, controlled trial [published online ahead of print March 29, 2011]. J Periodontol doi:10.1902/jop.2011.100671.