Hematological Cancer Patients’ Perceptions of Facilitators and Barriers to Their Participation in Symptom Management during Hospitalization

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Warunee Phligbua
Kanaungnit Pongthavornkamol
Pichitra Lekdamrongkul
Chontira Riangkam


         Purpose: To explore hematological cancer patients’ perceptions of the facilitators of and barriers to their participation in symptom management during hospitalization.
         Design: Descriptive qualitative study.
         Methods: Data were collected using face to face interviews among 50 hematological cancer patients in oncology units of one tertiary care university hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. Participants were asked to give a semi-structured qualitative interview. Data were analyzed by using a qualitative content analysis.
         Main findings: Four categories of patients’ perceptions of facilitators of and barriers to their participation in symptom management emerged from transcribed interviews: 1) patient-related factors (i.e., patients’ personalities or characteristics, symptom burden, disease and medical knowledge, and memory), 2) healthcare provider-related factors and hospitals’ system (i.e., health care providers’ characteristics or behaviors, time, and workplace system), 3) patient-physician communication (i.e., communication regarding medical terminology), and 4) information (i.e., sufficient/insufficient information). There were similarities in the facilitators of and barriers to the operationalization of patient participation in an acute oncology setting.
         Conclusion and recommendations: This research findings create an understanding of patients’ perceptions of facilitators of and barriers to their participation in symptom management during hospitalization. It will benefit healthcare professionals, especially physicians and nurses, as it leads to the enhancement of the facilitators and the elimination of the barriers in promoting patient participation. Understanding patient perceptions of facilitators of and barriers to participating in symptom management may lead to improving patients’ safety, quality patient symptom outcomes, and quality of care.

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How to Cite
Phligbua, W., Pongthavornkamol, K., Lekdamrongkul, P. ., & Riangkam, C. (2020). Hematological Cancer Patients’ Perceptions of Facilitators and Barriers to Their Participation in Symptom Management during Hospitalization. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 38(4), 77–90. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ns/article/view/244605
Research Papers


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