Influential Factors of Severity of Injury, Comorbidity, Number of Surgery and Number of Complication on Hospital Length of Stay in Patients Sustaining Traumatic Injury

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Piyaporn Yaowares
Prangtip Chayaput
Sudarat Peamsin
Kanchana Mittanonsakul


         Purpose: To examine the influences of severity of injury, comorbidity, number of surgery and number of complication on hospital length of stay in patients sustaining traumatic injury.

         Design: Retrospective descriptive design, predictive cross-sectional study.

          Methods: A sample was 91 patients having traumatic injury admitted to selected tertiary hospital. Retrospective data were obtained from patient’s medical record review between January 2015 and December 2018. The proportion of sample was determined using a total number of patients each year. A stratified simple random sampling was performed in an eligible sample who met the criteria until reaching calculated numbers. Research instruments included demographic and interested study variables record forms containing severity of injury, comorbidity, number of surgery, number of complication and hospital length of stay. Statistical analysis using descriptive statistics and linear regressions were conducted.

          Main findings: Severity of injury, number of surgery and number of complication had significant influences on hospital length of stay. The variance of hospital length of stay among patients suffering traumatic injury were explained for 42% (R2 = .420, F = 8.662, p < .001). It revealed whether the severity of injury, number of surgery and number of complication increased, hospital length of stay would increase. Otherwise, patient’s comorbidity had no influences on hospital length of stay.

          Conclusion and recommendations: The research findings concluded that patients with traumatic injury who had increased severity of injury, number of surgery and number of complication would be more likely to have more hospital length of stay. Trauma nurses could use those evidence based research results to develop nursing practice guideline for caring the patients who had high severity of injury, more than two surgeries and multiple postoperative complications as to minimize hospital length of stay, yet enhance a recovery.

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How to Cite
Yaowares, P., Chayaput, P. ., Peamsin, S., & Mittanonsakul, K. . (2020). Influential Factors of Severity of Injury, Comorbidity, Number of Surgery and Number of Complication on Hospital Length of Stay in Patients Sustaining Traumatic Injury. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 38(4), 91–103. retrieved from
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