The Effect of Computer Assisted Instruction entitled Therapeutic Relationship and Communication for Psychiatric Patients on Perceived Efficacy Among Nursing Students, Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University

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Wilawan Christraksa
Tippa Chetchaovalit


This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effect of Computer Assisted Instruction This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effect of Computer Assisted Instruction(CAI) entitled therapeutic relationship and communication for psychiatric patients on perceived efficacy among nursing students, Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University. Subjects were 51 third-year-students practicing in the practicum in the mental health and psychiatric nursing course. 28 subjects were assigned to the experimental group and 23 subjects to the control group. They were evaluated after receiving CAI 2 times; immediately and after finishing the practicum course. The research instruments consisted of 1) CAI, 2) the demographic data and 3) the efficacy perceiving’s questionnaires. Content validity was checked by three experts. The reliability of questionnaires was tested by alpha’s Cronbach Coefficiency with a result of .92. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistic, chi-square, independent t-test and repeated measure ANOVA.

The results revealed that the subjects in the experimental and control group had significantly increased efficacy scores before receiving CAI, after receiving CAI and after finishing the course. There was no significant increase between the group (p< .05).

The findings showed that the nursing students should use this CAI for understanding and enhancingthe perceived efficacy scores of the communication with psychiatric patients.

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How to Cite
Christraksa, W., & Chetchaovalit, T. (2019). The Effect of Computer Assisted Instruction entitled Therapeutic Relationship and Communication for Psychiatric Patients on Perceived Efficacy Among Nursing Students, Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 39(1), 53–65. retrieved from
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