Factors Influencing AIDS Preventive Behaviors Among Female Youth Working in Factories Chon Buri Province

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Savitree Onjun
Yuwadee Leelukkanaveera
Pornnapa Homsin


          AIDS is one of the major public health problems that threatens the world. It is life threatening disease and tends to be more severe among the Thai youth. This correlational predictive research aimed to reveal factors influencing AIDS preventive behaviors among the young female who worked in the factories in Chon Buri Province. Participants were 267 female aged 18-24 year old who were recruited based on the cluster sampling. The research instruments were the questionnaires which composed of AIDS preventive behaviors, perceived severity, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefit, perceived barriers, perceived selfefficacy, knowledge of AIDS prevention, friend influence and the media accessibility of AIDS-related information, with content validity index yields .78, .87, .87, .71, .75, .87, 1.0, 1.0, and .86, respectively; and the reliability yields .60, .95, .96, .93, .90, .93, .75, .87, and .92, respectively. Data were collected by the paper-based self-enumeration method between August and September 2017. The data analysis employed descriptive statistics and the stepwise multiple regression analysis.
          The results revealed that an average score of participants’ AIDS preventive behaviors was at moderate level (M = 8.32, SD = 3.52). The predictive factors for AIDS preventive behaviors were friend influence (β = -458), perceived barriers in AIDS prevention (β = -.295) and knowledge of AIDS (β = .256), respectively. These factors could explain the variations of AIDS preventive behaviors among participants by 78.8% (R2 =.788, F = 326.38, p < .001).
         Study findings suggest that community nurse practitioners or related professionals should promote the AIDS preventive behaviors among the youth in the factories by focusing on increasing awareness of safe sex among their peer group, decreasing barriers of action, and providing more knowledge of AIDS.

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How to Cite
Onjun, S. ., Leelukkanaveera, Y. ., & Homsin, P. . (2020). Factors Influencing AIDS Preventive Behaviors Among Female Youth Working in Factories Chon Buri Province. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 40(1), 45–57. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nur-psu/article/view/240715
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