Dietary Management for Prevention and Reduction Risk of Non-communicable Diseases

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Nuchthida Samaisong


Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are major health problems that are the greatest component of the total burden of disease in Thailand and globally. In recent years, NCDs have shown increasing impacts on health status and rapid rising of the magnitude of health problems. Major risk factors of NCDs include harmful health behavior, physical inactivity and unhealthy diet, particularly over eating of added sugar, salty, fatty and greasy food in which low fiber. In addition, public awareness of risk factors of NCDs and knowledge regarding prevention of NCDs is needed more improved. Nurses serve as an essential role in safeguarding and prevention of NCDs through facilitates recommendations to adjust a diet plan, provide nutrition education and proper eating habit to individual Clients about their health. Nures also play a role in sustaining health-promoting behaviors associated with reducing NCDs risk factors.

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How to Cite
Samaisong, N. (2020). Dietary Management for Prevention and Reduction Risk of Non-communicable Diseases. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 40(4), 122–130. retrieved from


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