Effects of Play Activity Arranged by Nursing Students on Happiness of Sick Children and Caregiver's Satisfaction

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Busakorn Punthmatharith
Onanong Mala
Pranee Khamchan
Jutarat Kongpet
Sawvanee Jinnukul
Pachwirin Suwanprapai


The purposes of this quasi-experimental study were to determine the effects of play activity arranged by nursing students on happiness of sick children and satisfaction of child’s caregivers. The sample consisted of caregivers and sick children admitted in pediatric wards. Purposive sampling was used to select subjects. The experimental group (n = 32) received play activity arranged by nursing students and routine play arranged by teachers and a nursing assistant. The control group (n = 33) received routine play arranged by teachers and a nursing assistant. Data were collected using 1) the demographic data questionnaire, 2) the child happiness scale, and 3) the caregiver’s play satisfaction questionnaire. All instruments were tested for content validity by three experts. Test-retest reliability of the child happiness scale was .71 and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the caregiver’s play satisfaction questionnaire was .95. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U, and t-tests. The results revealed that the mean scores of happiness of children after experiment in the experiment and control groups were significantly higher than those of before experiment. The mean scores of happiness of children comparing before and after experiment between the experimental and control groups were not significantly different. The total and each domain mean scores of satisfaction of caregivers after experiment between the experiment and control groups were not significantly different either. Nonetheless, play activity should be integrated as a daily nursing activity to enhance happiness for sick children during admitting in a pediatric ward.

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How to Cite
Punthmatharith, B., Mala, O. ., Khamchan, P. ., Kongpet, J. ., Jinnukul, S. ., & Suwanprapai, P. . (2021). Effects of Play Activity Arranged by Nursing Students on Happiness of Sick Children and Caregiver’s Satisfaction. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 41(1), 1–13. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nur-psu/article/view/249085
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