Experience of Head Nurses in Administration based on OKRs Concepts

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Mayuree Petkong
Nongnut Boonyoung
Prapaporn Chukumnerd


Objective: This Hermeneutic phenomenology research aimed to explain the experience of head nurses in the administration based on the OKRs concepts in hospitals under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI). Method: Data collection method were in-depth interviews. Informants were 10 head nurses. Interview data were analyzed using Diekelmann and Allen approach. Result: The finding showed that participants described the meaning of OKRs as (1) administration towards goals (2) has a clear time line (3) is a challenge (4) is flexible (5) is measurable. The informants reflected 6 methods of administration based on OKRs concept including (1) Initiating projects/activities (2) Brainstorming (3) Working within relevant guidelines of the nursing supervisor (4) Selecting the right people (5) Transferring knowledge and (6) Following up and evaluating. In addition, the informants reflected 5 barriers of the OKRs concepts administration including (1) It is new and they lack understanding, (2) Rapid policy changing, (3) Only head ward perceived about OKRs, (4) The difference between OKRs and KPI related to the success of the organization, and (5) No feedback gaining from administrator. Conclusion: These results could be used in planning for developing nursing staff in order to apply the OKRs tools to improve nursing work and administrators can use research results as a guide for improve the OKRs learning process for their personnel.

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How to Cite
Petkong, M. ., Boonyoung, N. ., & Chukumnerd, P. . (2021). Experience of Head Nurses in Administration based on OKRs Concepts. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 41(4), 27–37. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nur-psu/article/view/251220
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