Patient Outcomes After Application of Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients

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Chatkhane Pearkao
Sukanya Khunjamnongpak


Objective: The purpose of this descriptive research was to explore the level of risk factors, the symptoms the first 24 hours and 7 day at the Emergency Department in a secondary hospital after discharge, the revisit, and the evaluation of risk factors following the implementation of the guidelines. Method: The research sample consisted of 239 patients. Practice Guideline forms were used in data collection. This research was conducted in October - December 2018. The frequency and percentage were used for data analysis. Results: There were 159 male patients (66.53%) greater than women, 103 patients aged 18-30 years were 43.09%, 82 patients (34.31%) had underlying illnesses, namely diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and migraine. After discharge from the hospital; 188 patients (78.66%) had dizziness; 109 patients (46.61%) relied on painkillers, and 68 patients (26.36%) did not rely on painkillers. The symptom duration reduced respectively by 7 days. The additional symptoms were vertigo (56.49%), sleep disorder (48.59%), and blurred vision (5.02%) during the first 24 hours. 2 patients (0.87%) practiced lying by the fire. 13 patients (5.44%) had low-risk factors, whereas 1 patient (0.42%) had medium-risk factors. The nurses can accurately assess the level of risk factors was 100 percent after the implementation of the guidelines. Conclusion: It indicates that outcome of this study can be used as baseline data to adequately adapt the care models for patients with particular illnesses within on the context of the hospital in order to improve the efficacy and the quality of nursing care.

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How to Cite
Pearkao, C. ., & Khunjamnongpak, S. . (2021). Patient Outcomes After Application of Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 41(4), 15–26. retrieved from
Research Articles


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