Lifelong Learning Competency of Nursing Students, Supporting and Obstacle Factors related to Lifelong Learning Competency Development

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Sudsiri Hirunchunha
Sukanda Bunkong
Sasitorn Phumdoung
Nongnut Boonyoung
Hathairat Sangchan


Objective: This descriptive study examined lifelong learning (LLL) competency of undergraduate nursing students including supporting and obstacles factors related to lifelong learning. Methods: Participants were 536 undergraduate nursing students in academic year 2020 from Freshman to Senior (years 1-4). The LLL competency questionnaire was used for data collection yielded a validity index (S-CVI/Ave) of 0.97 and the in-depth interview questionnaire was approved by experts. Descriptive statistics for quantitative data and content analysis for qualitative were used. Results: The results showed that overall the participants had high LLL competency 4.1, (SD = .41), among subscales the mean for collaboration and team working was 4.4, (SD = .49), for technology and informatics 4.3, (SD = .52) and for innovation development 3.2, ( SD = .74), a moderate level. Factors related to LLL were 1) instructional designs, 2) learning environment, 3) enthusiasm and intention of students, 4) support from others, 5) role model of teacher, 6) English competency, and 7) systematically lll deveopment. The barriers to LLL of these participants were tiredness and time management. Conclusion: The results of these study can be used as basic information promote LLL developing for nursing students.

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How to Cite
Hirunchunha, S. ., Bunkong, S. ., Phumdoung, S. ., Boonyoung, N. ., & Sangchan, H. . (2021). Lifelong Learning Competency of Nursing Students, Supporting and Obstacle Factors related to Lifelong Learning Competency Development. Journal of Research in Nursing-Midwifery and Health Sciences, 41(4), 38–49. retrieved from
Research Articles


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