Factors Predicting Preeclampsia among Pregnant Women in Sawanpracharak Hospital
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Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the factors predicting preeclampsia among pregnant women in Sawanpracharak Hospital. Methods: A retrospective analytical study was conducted to collect data from the history of pregnant women who delivered at Sawanpracharak Hospital. The sample was selected based on a purposive sampling, divided into two groups, comprising 110 women diagnosed with preeclampsia and 220 women without preeclampsia. Research instruments for data collection were 1) a personal data record form and 2) a record on factors predicting preeclampsia. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Chi-Square, and binary logistic regression analysis. Results: Factors predicting preeclampsia included a 2.83-fold pre-pregnancy body mass index of 25 kg/m2 or higher (95% CI 1.57-5.09), a 5.92-fold increase in higher gestational weight gain in the second trimester than the criteria (95% CI 3.18-11.03), a 5.77-fold mean arterial pressure in the second trimester of 90 mmHg or higher (OR 5.77, 95% CI 3.23-10.32), a 9.19-fold pre-pregnancy underlying diseases (95% CI 2.99-28.23), a 1.69-fold increase among pregnant women aged 30 years old or older (95% CI 1.06-2.70), and a 7.40-fold increase among pregnant women with obstetric history (95% CI 1.51-36.28), respectively with a statistical significance level. Conclusion: The findings indicate that these factors could predict preeclampsia. Therefore, to achieve efficient screening or monitoring of factors predicting preeclampsia, it is imperative to jointly consider these factors.
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